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Troubleshooting Self-Hosted UnifiedPush and Matrix Servers

This page helps you resolve problems with self-hosting and integrating your UnifiedPush and Matrix (Synapse) servers. This is aimed at people managing their own servers.

See also: Troubleshooting your setup, aimed at end-users but also helpful for people managing their own servers.

See also: mpeter50’s Matrix-Ntfy debugging advices for 2024 Q2.

First, if you self-host your matrix homeserver and your push server: there is a high probability you have not set the ip_range_whitelist.

  • You have to whitelist your push server (e.g. ntfy server) IP address as seen by your synapse server. It may be a private IP depending on your setup.

  • Check your synapse’s logs.

Then, you should run the notifications troubleshooter feature on element.

If you don’t receive the notification, the problem comes from your push provider:

If you receive the test notification:

  • Have you check the ip_range_whitelist ? Once again, this is a very common error *

  • Check your synapse logs

  • Make sure your synapse server can reach your push server: open a shell on your synapse server, or container if you use it, and try to send a request with curl curl https://mypushdomain.tld/foo *

  • Make sure you have disable battery optimization for your distributor and Element.

  • Check https://dontkillmyapp.com/ and follow the suggested steps if needed

* indicates the most common issues.